Москва | Добавлено: 29 августа 2024, номер: 1144846

Адрес: Москва, метро Пятницкое шоссе

    We are writing to invite you to participate in our proposal to finance SOC public projects backed by a sovereign guarantee or similar form of financial assurance. We work with the world’s leading providers of engineering, procurement, construction and finance (EPCF) and build-operate- transfer (BOT) solutions for infrastructure development and public-private partnerships.
    Mubadala Investment Group has successfully completed over 100 projects in a variety of sectors and regions, including energy, water, transport, healthcare, education and urban development. We have also established strong relationships with international and local lenders, as well as multilateral and bilateral agencies, to provide competitive and flexible project finance.
    We are currently seeking potential project owners who have a need and vision for infrastructure development in their countries or markets. We are interested in projects that have a clear and viable business case, sound technical and environmental feasibility, and positive social and economic impacts. We are also looking for projects that have a sovereign guarantee or similar financial guarantee from the host government, which will assure lenders that the government will honour its obligations in the event of default or force majeure.
    If you have such a project or know someone who does, we would like to hear from you and discuss the possibility of working together. We can offer you an EPCF plus BOT package that will allow you to deliver your project with minimal upfront investment and risk, while ensuring long-term sustainability and affordability. We can also offer you our knowledge and experience in delivering similar projects, as well as our best practices and innovations in engineering, procurement, construction, operations and maintenance.
    We look forward to hearing from you and collaborating with you on your project. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your interest and consideration.
    Khaldoon Khalifa Al-Mubarak
    CEO/Managing Director
    Mubadala Development Company
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