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- Я
- Яхрома
International trade digital exhibition of the SCO member states
| Добавлено: 24 ноября 2022, номер: 1114335
Nov.16th – 25th, 2022
CCPIT Cloud Platform
The SCO plays an important role in encouraging exchanges and cooperation among its member states in various fields, and in safeguarding and ensuring regional security and stability. Almost all SCO member states have been involved in the Belt and Road Initiative and thus constitute an intercontinental bridge, ensuring the connectivity of the Eurasian region and its external space.
In order to accelerate the progress of industrialization and modernization in SCO member states, CCPIT actively promotes an innovative exhibition mode of a digital platform and plans to hold International Trade Digital Expo for SCO Countries (Virtual Expo), supporting strengthen mutual trust and good-neighborly friendship with the SCO member states, deepen economic and trade cooperation with the SCO member states, and assist China enterprises in finding investment opportunities in Central Asian countries
Exhibit Categories
Construction & Building Materials
Medical Supplies & Epidemic Prevention
Textiles & Clothing
Auto & Motorcycle
Transportation & Logistic System
Cultural & Tourism
Consumer Goods
Expo Scale
800 Exhibitors 8000 Buyer
CCPIT Cloud Platform
The SCO plays an important role in encouraging exchanges and cooperation among its member states in various fields, and in safeguarding and ensuring regional security and stability. Almost all SCO member states have been involved in the Belt and Road Initiative and thus constitute an intercontinental bridge, ensuring the connectivity of the Eurasian region and its external space.
In order to accelerate the progress of industrialization and modernization in SCO member states, CCPIT actively promotes an innovative exhibition mode of a digital platform and plans to hold International Trade Digital Expo for SCO Countries (Virtual Expo), supporting strengthen mutual trust and good-neighborly friendship with the SCO member states, deepen economic and trade cooperation with the SCO member states, and assist China enterprises in finding investment opportunities in Central Asian countries
Exhibit Categories
Construction & Building Materials
Medical Supplies & Epidemic Prevention
Textiles & Clothing
Auto & Motorcycle
Transportation & Logistic System
Cultural & Tourism
Consumer Goods
Expo Scale
800 Exhibitors 8000 Buyer
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